Author Archive
K6BEZ antenna analyzer project
by Daniel on Jul.12, 2015, under Ham Radio
I have recently been getting into ham radio, and one project I saw was the K6BEZ arduino based antenna analyzer. I ran into some issue with the code on the arduino, and the code for the sweeper program. I redid both and have posted them here.
Been a long time….
by Daniel on Sep.22, 2010, under Uncategorized
It’s been a while since I’ve posted. I have started a new job as a software developer, and that is taking up most of my free time along with getting in shape. I have however, managed to get my hands on a HTC Evo……and I am thinking of maybe learning java and trying to write some android apps. Let me know if anyone has any ideas……
Test of iPad wordpress app
by Daniel on May.23, 2010, under Uncategorized
Hello everyone from my iPad!
OlympiTime .03a
by Daniel on Feb.16, 2010, under OlympiTime
Oops, missed a replace so the minutes were not working on the commercials. Fix here:
OlympiTime .02a
by Daniel on Feb.16, 2010, under OlympiTime
A new version of OlympiTime, which now counts hours, minutes, and seconds. Grab it while it’s hot:
by Daniel on Feb.16, 2010, under OlympiTime
I got so sick of the commercials during the Olympics that I wrote a quick app to TIME both the commercials and the actual Olympics. Pick up the first alpha here:
Later I will be adding minutes and hours, but for now, sleep.
Test of mobile blogging
by Daniel on Dec.25, 2009, under CES
Testing posting from my phone for use at CES!
Side project
by Daniel on Aug.13, 2009, under gWatch
One of my friends jokes about how much time he spends on gmail. I jokingly took this up as a challenge, and have just launched gWatch, a google gadget that will track the time you spend in gmail. Check it out over at
Gasmate RC .42b
by Daniel on Aug.07, 2009, under GasMate
This is just a quick bugfix for those of you with square screens. Ed Thompson found the bug where square screens were not displaying correctly. I had set anchors when I shouldn’t have, and it should now be fixed. In doing this, I also fixed the landscape(rotation) bug.
.Net CF 3.5